• Formation


If further exploration is desired at the end of the live-in obervership stage, we encourage you to spend some time praying over your experience. In that time, if you feel a sense of belonging and “rightness,” you would be welcomed to request permission into postulancy. Find out more about the next steps here.

There are three major steps following a live-in observership:

1.     Postulancy (six months)

As an observer, you learn to follow grace, step by step, patiently. The things that Christ invites us to do for the love of Him “are usually prepared by a gentle and imperceptible providence that seem to come as if of themselves.” If this stage results in affirmative progress, you will begin your novitiate.

2.     Novitiate (two and a half years)

This stage involves a comprehensive, gradual incorporation into our community life through prayer, interaction with the brothers, spiritual accompaniment by the novice director, solitude, study, and participation in a monastic day.

3.     Temporary vows (three to six years on the way to professing solemn vows.)

Monks make three vows: obedience, stability, and ‘conversatio morum’.

  • Obedience is the first virtue of Christ and involves listening – out of love – to someone else so that what they want seems more important to you than your own will.
  • Stability is a promise to persevere in this particular community and is a promise of loyalty.
  •  ‘Conversatio morum’ is a vow to a continual change of soul and a daily reshaping of the mind and heart according to God’s plan for us.

From this point forward, the monk continues a process in which he experiences Christ as the beginning and the end of his day. Christ is the point, core, and purpose of monastic life, and “it is a love affair without parallel this side of eternity.”

Finally, a monk makes his solemn (final) vows, promising to live them out in the monastery until death and heaven. 

Is the Cistercian Monastic Life for you?

Recommended Readings

Intrigued by the monastic lifestyle? We’ve recommended readings to help you gain a deeper understanding of the community and discernment.


You can learn more about our life at our American Region’s website. It has a Newcomer’s Guide to Trappist life, Steps to Becoming a Monk or Nun, and much more information about all our Cistercian monasteries in the USA. American Region’s Vocation Website: www.trappists.org

Also visit our own vocation site: olhsvocation.com

Our Vocation Team can be reached by sending an e-mail message to vocation@trappist.net
(770) 483-8705 (extension 360)